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Archive for the ‘How Do I?’ Category

3 Reasons Why Emotions Disappear

3 Reasons Why
Emotions Disappear

By Jesse Harshbarger, BCHt, NLP

The very moment you make a decision, your emotional, cognitive and temporal focus instantly evaluate the risks versus the rewards of your new decision. Almost simultaneously a feedback mechanism is constructed, and henceforth automatically runs with each subsequent decision. This is why you learned something when you were two and it still holds true, even if you don’t remember why, and why you are still controlled by an event which there is no present value or current relevance to your past decision.

The decisions most affected by this sort of construction are those made in the heat of the moment; those not consciously acted upon. (Not so much for those decisions stemming from rational, knowledge-based inferences.) The decisions we make in the heat of the moment are generally those that after the fact dominate our thoughts with “Why?” and we tend to regret them later on.

Here are three different perspectives to effectively disassociate from emotions:

  1. Psychological: Leslie Cameron-Bandler in The Emotional Hostage, 1987, and Alfred Korzybski, Science and Sanity, 1933, state all emotions require time to manifest, to reveal their meaning to the individual. Therefore, imagining an emotion from outside of the original perspective, different from when conceived, essentially removes the emotion from the original event and its impact is lessened or completely removed.
  2. Metaphysical: The book, A Course of Miracles, attributes all emotion to one emotion, love. The negative emotions are subcategorized under fear and therefore an illusion (for it hasn’t happened.) Now, when the emotion is taken out of context, its deceptive qualities are revealed and when this is understood, the emotion disappears; in the same way as an illusion when it is revealed.
  3. Quantum physics: Taking a present perspective of a past event before it occurred is akin to a multidimensional opposite of the present. It’s like looking into the mirror of now. The once solidified boundaries of the emotion are challenged by their polar mirror opposites and subsequently canceled out and disappear.

Your past decisions have formed your current beliefs and this is what now dictates your present actions. It is important to recognize the negative and positive affects past emotions have played in your decision-making as well as how past emotions continue to be a major factor in your daily decisions.

Perhaps understanding how past emotions disappear will help you form better and healthier emotions for your future, now.


What’s Your Matrix Final Scene?

Maybe…  It’s not about Neo.

There is some belief that you have which is simply not working for you.

I don’t know what it is, but I know that it is costing you.  This belief was formed at a time in your life when it seemed necessary, and it may have helped you then… but now, you no longer need it… and it’s working against you.

Self defeating….or a self-fulfilling prophecy…..that you don’t feel worthy of an abundance or success.  One or the other.  You would know better than I.

… changing your beliefs is perfectly fine,

once you see it is not working for you, the change you need will happen

Only YOU would know which belief that is…only YOU can decide to change it..

it is probably based upon some old, deep seated need…

We all have deep seeded needs to feel fulfilled in some way or another.  But sometimes we try to meet those needs through unrealistic behaviors, based upon believing that they will work using old out-dated beliefs which can no longer serve us.

Our Needs:  To love and be loved; To feel worthwhile, important, and necessary; To grow and have fun; To survive.  we all feel a need for certainty, from the time we are born… that we will be fed, cared for..  this changes as we grow older.  we have a need for variety, to feel excited, another need is of significance, necessary, that we are appreciated…  we need connection and love,  to feel like we are growing and making progress in our knowledge, experiences and our interactions, … and of course we need to give, a feeling of contribution, through giving we also receive and grow, and we feel connected, secure and uncertain, uncertainty provides us with variety.  It is through contribution, we realize all of our needs…

There is a belief…believe it or not…there is another one that that will serve you better.  Only time will tell whether or not you will allow it to work for you. … when you have decided … it’s time.

We have the tools and techniques you must have to successfully prepare and conduct a productive, results-driven life.  Now, contact me and let’s see if we are a match and start this process today.

Jesse Harshbarger

Question: How can hypnosis and NLP help me quit smoking?

Question: How can hypnosis and NLP help me quit smoking?

Break Free from your Struggle with Cigarettes

Break free!

Answer: Your mind works on 2 levels – the conscious and the unconscious. Your unconscious mind is in charge of your habits, which is why so many people struggle when they make the conscious decision to quit smoking.

Hypnosis and Neuro Linguistic Programming, or NLP, are simply ways to communicate directly with your unconscious mind. The unconscious is the domain of your habits. Smoking tends to be an unconscious habit. So when we speak directly with your unconscious, we can expedite the process of quitting smoking.

We also like to refer to NLP as the study of excellence. It is the science and technology behind some of the most amazingly successful and powerful people on the planet. To name a few, Tony Robbins, Oprah, and Serena Williams all use hypnosis and NLP.

Would this be of interest to you, or not?

JAVA not working in Chrome: Enabling NPAPI in Chrome Version 42 and later

As of Chrome Version 42, an additional configuration step is required to continue using NPAPI plugins.

1) In your URL bar, enter: chrome://flags/#enable-npapi
2) Click the Enable link for the Enable NPAPI configuration option.
3) Click the Relaunch button that now appears at the bottom of the configuration page.

Developers and System administrators looking for alternative ways to support users of Chrome should see this blog, in particular “Running Web Start applications outside of a browser” and “Additional Deployment Options” section.

Frozen Ring Finger Explained

Unlike your other fingers there’s more tendon sharing and muscle motor unit mixing between the ring and middle finger digitations of the profundus than the superficialis.  That is why when you bend your middle finger sufficiently and hold it in place (can be done with one hand) the ring finger cannot move. It’s also known as the “paralyzed finger” effect.  The tendon for your ring finger is connected to your middle finger. With the middle tendon stretched (bent) to its length, the ring finger tendon being tethered to it will not be able to lift upwards.

Hope this helps explain it ~~~



NRB, Norae Bang, Korean Karaoke ~

Have you been to 노래방 lately? Here’s a short cheat sheet for the remote control:

예약 – big yellow button used to put your song on the playlist (find the song, enter the number, then press this button to reserve your song)
취소 – red button used to cancel a song you don’t want
우선 예약 – priority reserve (bumps song to head of playlist)
박수 拍手 – applause!
가수겁색 – search by artist

Check out this blog for more information on Korean Karaoke:

Korean Noraebang Etiquette

Korean Noraebang Etiquette – Don’t Be a Singing Fool!


I like doing 하는걸 좋아해요 and 좋아해요!

Question: I am trying to pin down the difference between saying 축구 하는걸 좋아해요 and 축구 좋아해요: is there one? or is that just a more *fancy* way to say it?

축구 하는걸 좋아해요 and 축구 좋아해요 – Do you like soccer or do you like doing soccer?

  • 축구 하는걸 좋아해요. I like to play soccer.
  • 축구 좋아해요. I like soccer.
  • 김치 좋아요. Kimchi is good.
  • 김치 좋아해요. I like Kimchi.

Question: So *하는걸 좋아해요* is a sentence construct which only refers to *games* and *sports* or other skills?

Good question. Not necessarily only, but to answer the asked question, please keep in mind, 하다 means to do. So, 하 will likely refer to something about “do” right? …and so, 하는 것 implies doing something specific.

  • 하는 것 좋다 – that’s good to do

~ let’s think that eating is a specific kind of doing ~

  • KImchi is what is good to eat – 김치 먹는 것이 좋다
  • Kimchi is what I like to eat – 김치 먹는 것을 좋아하다
  • (것을 is used here because Kimchi is the object of what I like to eat. 을 is used for the preposition of object.)


Let’s move on to “I like doing” – 하는게 좋다, 하는걸 좋아한다

  • 한국말하는게 좋다 – I like speaking Korean. It’s good to speak Korean
  • 운동하는게 좋다 – I like exercising. It’s good to exercise.

…now, 하는걸 is a contracted form of 하는것을 (and you already learned that 을 is an object particle.) So, 하는걸 좋아한다 just means “I like doing” and 하는걸 좋아하지 않는다 – “I don’t like doing” (하는걸 안좋아해).

  • 하다 → 하는걸 좋아한다 = I like doing
  • 먹다 → 먹는걸 좋아한다 = I like eating
  • 운동하는것을 좋아하는걸 좋아한다 = I like exercising.
  • 운동하는것을 좋아하지 않는다 = I don’t like exercising.

Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF)

Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF):  PNF takes advantage of Autogenic Inhibition.  There are three phases of a PNF stretch.  An initial static stretch is held for 10 seconds.  This is the first phase.  The second phase involves a contraction of the muscle being stretched (about 6 seconds).  The 3rd phase is another static stretch held for 30 seconds.  Essentially following a “hold-relax” pattern.

The most basic PNF stretch is the “Hold-Relax” which starts with a static stretch.  The second step is a contraction stage, followed by the third step of another static stretch.

The next PNF stretch is termed, the “Contract-Relax” stretch.  Step one is the static stretch.  The second step is a contraction of the muscle being stretch within its full ROM (range of motion) of about 6 seconds.  The 3rd step is a 30 second static stretch.

The third PNF stretch is termed “Hold-Relax with Agonist Contraction” and takes advantage of autogenic and reciprocal inhibition.  As always, start with a static stretch for about 10 seconds.  Now, contract with no movement for 6 seconds, then immediately contract the opposite muscle while your partner stretches the muscle being stretched.  (If you are stretching your quads, flex and contract the hamstrings.)

Now, you can add another version of these PNF stretches termed, “Hold-Relax-Repeat”.  You can guess by now what this is, right?  Static stretch for 10 seconds, contract for 6 seconds, static stretch for 10 seconds, contract for 6 seconds, static stretch for 10 seconds, contract for 6 seconds and complete the stretch with a 30 second static stretch.

Principles of Fitness

“If you were there once … you’ll get there quicker the next time.”

If you are experiencing a plateau or feel you’ve hit a wall with your training program you might want to think about a few things, the Principles of Fitness.

1)  Principle of Progressive Overload:  The operative word here is “progressive.”  In order to force your body to respond and adapt to a stimulus, activity or workout, you must gradually overload the body.  Rome wasn’t built in a day and your body is the same.  You should focus on the exercises you do, your form, your reps (count), the weight you use, and your speed (faster/slower).  Since I know that you are serious about your training goals, you are keeping a daily log of your workouts.  Refer to what you did last time and change it up!

2)  Principle of Specificity:  Quite simply stated, you get good at what you practice.  Have you heard of the SAID Principle?  SAID is an acronym for, Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demand.  The human body will make specific adaptations based on current activity or stressors in order to make that task easier to handle in the future.  Simply put, the more you do something, the better you will perform at that task.

3)  Principle of individual Variation (Individualization):   Individuals will respond differently to the same stimulus.  This is because we are all different;  age, genetics, lifestyle, nutrition, training age, sleep, gender, hormones, disease, medications.  We are all a bit different, however, everyone responds to exercise.  Adding variety to your exercises will ensure you will continually develop and adapt.  This means you will continue to make gains.  So, change things up every once in awhile in order to continue progression.

4)  FITT Principle:  These are what you should consider when planning and implementing your training program; Frequency, Intensity, Time and Type.

Frequency is how often.  Intensity is how difficult based on your individual ability.  Time is the duration.  And Type is the mode of exercise, or your goal.  Some people prefer to add “E” (FITTE) with E representing enjoyment also.

5)  Principle of Priority:  Before you start, prioritize what is important to you.

Cardiovascular Endurance

The #1 Reason People Quit Exercising is that it’s too difficult.  Minimize the urge to quit by ensuring exercise is fun.  Training is exercise with purpose.

Cardiovascular endurance (cardiorespiratory) is one of the five components of fitness. (Ask your personal trainer about the other 4!)  Cardiovascular endurance is the ability of the heart and lungs to provide O2 to the body.

Cardiovascular endurance can be measured using VO2 Max test, which calculates the maximal volume of O2 delivered per minute (Milliliter of Oxygen per Kilogram (2.2 lbs) per minute ).  A VO2 of under 20 is considered to be a Poor score.  The higher your VO2, the better your score.  A VO2 above 40 is considered “Fit”.  A VO2 above 60 is considered “Excellent”.  (For women, deduct 5 points.  Men have larger hearts and lungs than women.)

There are submax and max tests to calculate a person’s cardiovascular endurance.  Three standard submax tests are; Rockport 1 mile Walk Test, 3 minute Step Test, and the 5-7 minute FIT Test.

VO2 Max is calculated for The Rockport 1 mile walk test:

132.853 – (0.1692 * body mass in Kg) – (0.3877 * age in years) + (6.315 * gender) – 3.2649 * time in minutes) – (0.1565 * HR) = VO2 Max

Gender = 0, for female and 1 for male

HR is taken immediately after completion of the walk

1.5 mile Run Test for VO2 Max:

VO2 Max = 3.5 + 483/time in minutes

9 minutes = 57.16 VO2 Max

8:30 minutes = 60.32 VO2 Max

8 minutes = 63.875 VO2 Max

7:30 minutes = 67.9 VO2 Max

Calculator for Maximum Heart Rate and VO2 Max