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Archive for the ‘health’ Category

3 Reasons Why Emotions Disappear

3 Reasons Why
Emotions Disappear

By Jesse Harshbarger, BCHt, NLP

The very moment you make a decision, your emotional, cognitive and temporal focus instantly evaluate the risks versus the rewards of your new decision. Almost simultaneously a feedback mechanism is constructed, and henceforth automatically runs with each subsequent decision. This is why you learned something when you were two and it still holds true, even if you don’t remember why, and why you are still controlled by an event which there is no present value or current relevance to your past decision.

The decisions most affected by this sort of construction are those made in the heat of the moment; those not consciously acted upon. (Not so much for those decisions stemming from rational, knowledge-based inferences.) The decisions we make in the heat of the moment are generally those that after the fact dominate our thoughts with “Why?” and we tend to regret them later on.

Here are three different perspectives to effectively disassociate from emotions:

  1. Psychological: Leslie Cameron-Bandler in The Emotional Hostage, 1987, and Alfred Korzybski, Science and Sanity, 1933, state all emotions require time to manifest, to reveal their meaning to the individual. Therefore, imagining an emotion from outside of the original perspective, different from when conceived, essentially removes the emotion from the original event and its impact is lessened or completely removed.
  2. Metaphysical: The book, A Course of Miracles, attributes all emotion to one emotion, love. The negative emotions are subcategorized under fear and therefore an illusion (for it hasn’t happened.) Now, when the emotion is taken out of context, its deceptive qualities are revealed and when this is understood, the emotion disappears; in the same way as an illusion when it is revealed.
  3. Quantum physics: Taking a present perspective of a past event before it occurred is akin to a multidimensional opposite of the present. It’s like looking into the mirror of now. The once solidified boundaries of the emotion are challenged by their polar mirror opposites and subsequently canceled out and disappear.

Your past decisions have formed your current beliefs and this is what now dictates your present actions. It is important to recognize the negative and positive affects past emotions have played in your decision-making as well as how past emotions continue to be a major factor in your daily decisions.

Perhaps understanding how past emotions disappear will help you form better and healthier emotions for your future, now.


All Pain Is In The Brain – Emotional & Physical – Hypnosis for Pain Control

Pain is not transmitted to the brain. Injury information is transmitted to the brain. The brain then interprets and translates the information. This means, pain is in the brain… it is a perception.  Add in an emotional component and get interesting results.

Scientists have come up with great drugs for treating pain.  These drugs also have a great amount of side effects caused by the fact that drugs have no targeting ability.  Once in our system, drugs are everywhere in our system.  It turns out that our nerve centers and receptors are extremely sensitive and particular.  Small fibers of the body are responsible for most of our perception of pain.  Large fibers with increased activity can actually reduce pain as demonstrated when you touch something hot (small fiber) and shake your hand or arm or maybe jump up and down (large fiber).  This activation of your large fibers tends to block the messages coming from the small fibers.

Why does mixing chili pepper with the seeds in your bird feeder work at keeping away the squirrel (mammal) while the birds are unaffected?

Plants activate the nerve centers of mammals; Capsicum, cinnamon, chili pepper, Camphor, Ginkgo, St. John’s Wort, Kava, Valerian… hops as a calming and sleep promoting drug, lemon balm as a sedative, passion flower for nervous restlessness, lavender flower as a sedative and, stimulative to the nervous system are plants like coffee, tea, cocoa, guarana, Maté, Kola, TOBACCO, Areca, Lobelia, Ephedra, Khat.

Placebo effect: Also called the placebo response. A remarkable phenomenon in which a placebo — a fake treatment, an inactive substance like sugar, distilled water, or saline solution — can sometimes improve a patient’s condition simply because the person has the expectation that it will be helpful.

A patient given a placebo, told by a Doctor it will work, will most often work.  Placebos work in the brain and modify chemicals psychologically.  Placebos are blocked by the drug naloxone.  Acupuncture is blocked by naloxone.  Acupuncture does not show to work on pain in children.  Does this mean acupuncture works by placebo?

*Of curious interest to the most studied scientists, Hypnosis for pain control does not correlate to placebo.  Under hypnosis, the information is sent to the brain, received by the brain, processed by the brain, but pain is not perceived or pain is felt at a much smaller degree.  The power of hypnosis is demonstrated by the selective block of the emotional component.

What’s your experience with pain control?  What will you do now?  How will you cope with pain?  Hypnosis is noninvasive way to treat pain locally and systemically and used to treat chronic pain for inhibition. Living with pain is no way to live.  Pain is a complex perception.  You know pain is “in the brain” and now you have some new insights to help you deal with pain.

squirrel eating nuts

What’s Your Matrix Final Scene?

Maybe…  It’s not about Neo.

There is some belief that you have which is simply not working for you.

I don’t know what it is, but I know that it is costing you.  This belief was formed at a time in your life when it seemed necessary, and it may have helped you then… but now, you no longer need it… and it’s working against you.

Self defeating….or a self-fulfilling prophecy…..that you don’t feel worthy of an abundance or success.  One or the other.  You would know better than I.

… changing your beliefs is perfectly fine,

once you see it is not working for you, the change you need will happen

Only YOU would know which belief that is…only YOU can decide to change it..

it is probably based upon some old, deep seated need…

We all have deep seeded needs to feel fulfilled in some way or another.  But sometimes we try to meet those needs through unrealistic behaviors, based upon believing that they will work using old out-dated beliefs which can no longer serve us.

Our Needs:  To love and be loved; To feel worthwhile, important, and necessary; To grow and have fun; To survive.  we all feel a need for certainty, from the time we are born… that we will be fed, cared for..  this changes as we grow older.  we have a need for variety, to feel excited, another need is of significance, necessary, that we are appreciated…  we need connection and love,  to feel like we are growing and making progress in our knowledge, experiences and our interactions, … and of course we need to give, a feeling of contribution, through giving we also receive and grow, and we feel connected, secure and uncertain, uncertainty provides us with variety.  It is through contribution, we realize all of our needs…

There is a belief…believe it or not…there is another one that that will serve you better.  Only time will tell whether or not you will allow it to work for you. … when you have decided … it’s time.

We have the tools and techniques you must have to successfully prepare and conduct a productive, results-driven life.  Now, contact me and let’s see if we are a match and start this process today.

Jesse Harshbarger

Question: How can hypnosis and NLP help me quit smoking?

Question: How can hypnosis and NLP help me quit smoking?

Break Free from your Struggle with Cigarettes

Break free!

Answer: Your mind works on 2 levels – the conscious and the unconscious. Your unconscious mind is in charge of your habits, which is why so many people struggle when they make the conscious decision to quit smoking.

Hypnosis and Neuro Linguistic Programming, or NLP, are simply ways to communicate directly with your unconscious mind. The unconscious is the domain of your habits. Smoking tends to be an unconscious habit. So when we speak directly with your unconscious, we can expedite the process of quitting smoking.

We also like to refer to NLP as the study of excellence. It is the science and technology behind some of the most amazingly successful and powerful people on the planet. To name a few, Tony Robbins, Oprah, and Serena Williams all use hypnosis and NLP.

Would this be of interest to you, or not?

Nutrition & Weight Management

Nutrition & Weight Management


What is the definition of overweight?  What is your definition of overweight? One definition is when a person is 10% over the ideal weight for height.  Obesity is defined as 20% over the ideal weight.  The BMI scale is commonly used to factor ideal weight.  These days it is commonly understood that a person may have low body fat while simultaneously BMI is screaming, “You are overweight! I am an example of that contradiction. My current body fat is about 9% and I am considered overweight with a BMI of 27.  Using a height and weight chart is not always useful based on limitations and individual variations.  We humans are not all built the same.  Also, having some body fat is useful and healthy.  Obesity however is not healthy.


Obesity has a variety of causes, like physiological factors and psychological factors.  The simple equation for fat storage is energy in verse energy out.  If you eat more food (calories) than energy expended (work), this will yield an excess of calories and this excess will be stored as adipose tissue, fat.  You can also consider that each individual produces different amounts of hormones.  There is a common argument that genetics contribute to our shape and form.  However, diet, activity, familial reinforcement and peer interaction are larger contributors to your overall health than genetics.


We tend to mimic the habits of those around us.  Society pressures us to look, act and feel a certain way.  Lately, environmental factors are being scrutinized.  Farming methods that introduce growth chemicals, pesticides, contaminants and water that are becoming questionable.  There are extreme practices like surgery, drugs, fat blockers, body wraps, and specific macronutrient restrictions.  Sometimes people try fad diets to lose 20 to 30 pounds.  A couple of problems with fad diets are that they are scientifically inaccurate (nonsense) and there isn’t any long-term education on how to maintain your weight loss.   This often leads to chronic dieting syndrome or “yo-yo” dieting.  Often a person who only diets (no weight training) will lose an equal amount of fat and muscle.  Once off the diet, they gain back their lost weight, and the weight gained consist of more fat than muscle.  This is obviously not ideal for anyone.  With a bit of education a healthy balance can be achieved.  Fasting is another way people may try to lose weight.  Basal metabolic rate will drop while fasting, as well as electrolytes, loss of lean muscle, and you’ll experience low blood pressure.   Again, knowing how to eat after you quit fasting is important from a healthy maintenance perspective.


So… what is a sound weight management plan?

There are the aforementioned methods as well as behavior modification techniques.  Hypnotherapy and Neuro Linguistic Programming for example, are successful at creating new thoughts, different ways of thinking and often work to create new habits. It is important to know and really understand your personal eating queues.  It’s about understanding what drives you to eat, your emotions involved and sometimes most important, what drives your food choices.  It’s about recognizing the queues, and how you respond to these queues.  The consequences of your choices are fairly obvious.  You are what you eat!


You should always accept your current state. No one can successfully change their situation without fully acknowledging the situation and it’s realities. You should accept yourself and take responsibility for your choices.  You should define the behavior surrounding your choices.  Know and understand your eating patterns.  If you skip a workout, or fight with your spouse or just love tacos at midnight (Ding!), think about how you eat after such events.  You may find that planning out strategies for such occasions will help you make better and healthier choices.  You can bring an apple or banana, something that will help you get through your challenging times.


Writing out your meals (weekly meal plan) is a great idea. Be flexible and realistic, ensuring the diet is fits your lifestyle.  This is important in maintaining the diet.  No one sticks to anything that is inconvenient, boring, or annoying. Find fun healthy and tasty food. Your diet should be nutritionally adequate and include all the nutrients.  Bottom line is this… will you eat it?  A diet consisting of food you will eat is a strong determinant of a successful diet.


When you are successful and once you are about to achieve your goal (weight gain/weight loss) you must reevaluate, readjust, and decide how to proceed at your new weight.  Celebrate at 90% – 95% and set your new goal to maintain or tone or something exciting and achievable. The good news for you is that the human body works hard to maintain a condition of homeostasis.  Your body wants to stay the way it is. When you have a well thought out plan and a strategy that is best for it is much easier to achieve your goals and keep your prize.


Chapter 7: An NASM Focus on Flexibility

Dynamic Flexibility: optimal control of movement through the joint’s entire ROM (range of motion).

Think about your legs and their ability to move relatively freely when only using one side.  Now, attempt to move both legs at the same time in the same manner and ROM and you will find it much more difficult.

Neuromuscular Efficiency (much like neuromuscular coordination):  ability of the neuromuscular system to allow agonists, antagonists, stabilizers, to work synergistically to produce, reduce, and dynamically stabilized the entire kinetic chain in all 3 planes of motion.

NASM focuses on flexibility due to their belief that inflexibility leads to injuries.  Following a pattern of inflexibility, also referred to as postural distortions, can lead to predictable patterns of muscular imbalances.  In other words, poor posture leads to improper movement and that… leads to injury.

Altered Reciprocal Inhibition:   (things not functioning exactly the way we want) tight agonist muscle decreases neural drive to its functional antagonist. (hip flexor is tight causing glutes to be loose)  This means that the body thinks it is working, even though it isn’t.  The tightened muscle is shortened and tends to lose flexibility.  This tends to happen when we are in one position for extended periods of time (sitting for hours).  NASM quite often recommends foam rolling tight and shortened muscles.  The optimal time to stretch and roll-out the tight muscles (muscle activation technique) is just before activity or gym time.

Synergistic Dominance:  (related to altered reciprocal inhibition)  the synergists take over for a weak or inhibited agonist/prime mover.  This means you’ll be using your erectors (lower back) to reach your pen on the floor, instead of properly using your glutes to bend/squat.

All of these lead to…

Arthrokinetic Dysfunction:  biomechanical and neuromuscular dysfunction leading to altered joint motion.  Things just aren’t working correctly.  If you train through dysfunction, you will “learn” how to function with the dysfunction.  This is not an optimal scenario.

How does this happen?  Let’s say you experience some sort of trauma, like a car accident, and then you experience inflammation.  Next, we’ll consider you are in pain.  Pain leads to tension and resistance.  Your body’s muscle spindles are activated (stretch reflex) and contract causing “micro spasms”.  When the muscles are tight for an extended period of time adhesions will develop.  When these adhesions are formed (knots), they cause altered reciprocal inhibition and synergistic dominance.  Your form and function is now altered, not normal.  You are walking, or moving in a strange manner.  Continuing this altered joint motion will cause your body to make permanent changes.  You already know this is not an optimal scenario.   Optimally, you will get treatment for the injury when you first experience the altered reciprocal inhibition.  Consider Davis’ Law.  Davis’ law is used in anatomy to describe how soft tissue models along imposed demands. It is the corollary to Wolff’s law, which applies to osseous tissue.  Davis’ Law states that soft tissue remodels along the lines of stress.  An injury will cause the body to strengthen along the line of an injury.  In other healthy scenario like when working out, your body will grow and adapt to the specific exercise.

NASM’s Phase 1 for Corrective Flexibility:

–       Stabilization Phase

–       Tools to use:  Self Myofascial Release Massage and Static Stretching

–       Purpose:  Increase Joint ROM, Improve Muscular Imbalances, Correct Altered Joint Motion

NASM’s Phase 2, 3, 4 for Active Flexibility:

–       Strength Phase

–       Tools to use:  Reciprocal Inhibition, Self Myofascial Release

–       Purpose:  Increase soft tissue extensibility, Increase Neuromuscular Efficiency

NASM’s Phase 5 for Functional Flexibility:

–       Power Phase

–       Tools to use:  Self Myofascial Release, Dynamic Stretching

–       Purpose:  Improve soft tissue extensibility, Improve motor control during higher speed, multiplanar movements  (combination of sagittal plane, transverse/horizontal plane, frontal plane)

* Active Isolated Stretching:  using your muscles to stretch another muscle.  This is accomplished when you use your chest muscles to stretch your back muscles.

Special Populations: Older Adults ~ 65+

Strength, power, muscular endurance, cardio, and metabolism naturally decrease as we age once we pass about 30 years of age.  Not everything goes down however; body fat increases.  We’ll also likely need to get a medical clearance to workout with a trainer or in a gym setting.  Also, beneficial to older adults is a thorough, longer warm-up (perhaps include some stretching) almost doubling the warm-up time of a 25-year-old.  Exercise is beneficial for a lifetime.  The focus for older adults will be maintaining current health or a steady progression.  The emphasis will be on balance in order to prevent falls.  And, exercise will strengthen bones by increase or maintaining bone density.  Most of the activities of daily living, cooking, cleaning, bathing, will be much easier to perform when exercise is also part of a regular routine.  This will mean at least and normally about 2 training sessions per week.  Again, nutrition is often an overlooked area.  Protein intake is important and often protein foods require a lot of chewing making them a less desirable food choice.  This is within the realm of comfort.  Considering comfort, performing exercises in a manner within a comfortable position are most preferred.  This also means that exercises that may increase intracranial pressure should be avoided (blood pressure) for safety.  (Do not perform “head below hips” or Valsalva techniques.)

–       Light Stretching

–       Progressive overload (start light)

–       Beginner’s Workout (total body, 2 * a week, 10-15 reps at a 2:4 tempo)

–       Stable Exercises, progress to standing & weight-bearing exercises

–       Monitor RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion)  Take a break if needed.

–       Limit soreness (negatives, volume (total reps), intensity techniques (drop sets), and new exercises all cause soreness)

You can be an older adult and perform physically better than some 25 year olds.  These are general guidelines for older adults and a general good place to start for most.  When an exercise is difficult to perform, find a way to make the resistance easier.  If you find the exercise is still difficult, performing partial range of motion is acceptable.  However, there should never be pain and exercises should be fun.  The reason most people do anything is that it’s fun.  If it’s not fun, we won’t likely continue.  Something to consider especially if you’re an older adult and don’t enjoy living.  … Find something to be passionate about, something that moves your mind and body.  This could be interacting with grandchildren, vacations, language exchanges with new friends, and other life activities.

Functions of Nutrients

Nutrition is the science of the food we eat and how our bodies use it.

There are 6 Essential Nutrients. The six essential nutrients include the 3 macronutrients, carbohydrates, protein, fat, and the 3 micronutrients, vitamins, minerals and water.

The Principle of Nutrient Interaction states that no nutrient works alone and that nutrients have many roles.

There are three broad functions of nutrients; to build and repair tissue, regulate metabolism and to provide energy.

Carbohydrates are the body’s “high intensity” energy source.  This is the primary function of carbs.  Carbs come from plants (grains, fruit, vegetables).  Our bodies store carbs as glycogen in the liver and muscle tissue (excess can be stored as fat).  The RDA of carbs per day is 45% – 65% of our daily intake.

Protein is the body’s “back up” for high intensity work.  The building blocks of protein are amino acids.  Protein is stored in the body as muscle tissue. Excess protein is stored as fat.  The RDA of protein per day is 10% – 35% of our daily intake.

Fat is the body’s endurance fuel and is used for low intensity energy.  Fat is stored as adipose tissue.  The building blocks of fat are fatty acids.  The RDA for fat is 20% – 35% of our daily intake.