Health * Wealth * Happiness

Posts tagged ‘NLP’

What’s Your Matrix Final Scene?

Maybe…  It’s not about Neo.

There is some belief that you have which is simply not working for you.

I don’t know what it is, but I know that it is costing you.  This belief was formed at a time in your life when it seemed necessary, and it may have helped you then… but now, you no longer need it… and it’s working against you.

Self defeating….or a self-fulfilling prophecy…..that you don’t feel worthy of an abundance or success.  One or the other.  You would know better than I.

… changing your beliefs is perfectly fine,

once you see it is not working for you, the change you need will happen

Only YOU would know which belief that is…only YOU can decide to change it..

it is probably based upon some old, deep seated need…

We all have deep seeded needs to feel fulfilled in some way or another.  But sometimes we try to meet those needs through unrealistic behaviors, based upon believing that they will work using old out-dated beliefs which can no longer serve us.

Our Needs:  To love and be loved; To feel worthwhile, important, and necessary; To grow and have fun; To survive.  we all feel a need for certainty, from the time we are born… that we will be fed, cared for..  this changes as we grow older.  we have a need for variety, to feel excited, another need is of significance, necessary, that we are appreciated…  we need connection and love,  to feel like we are growing and making progress in our knowledge, experiences and our interactions, … and of course we need to give, a feeling of contribution, through giving we also receive and grow, and we feel connected, secure and uncertain, uncertainty provides us with variety.  It is through contribution, we realize all of our needs…

There is a belief…believe it or not…there is another one that that will serve you better.  Only time will tell whether or not you will allow it to work for you. … when you have decided … it’s time.

We have the tools and techniques you must have to successfully prepare and conduct a productive, results-driven life.  Now, contact me and let’s see if we are a match and start this process today.

Jesse Harshbarger

Question: How can hypnosis and NLP help me quit smoking?

Question: How can hypnosis and NLP help me quit smoking?

Break Free from your Struggle with Cigarettes

Break free!

Answer: Your mind works on 2 levels – the conscious and the unconscious. Your unconscious mind is in charge of your habits, which is why so many people struggle when they make the conscious decision to quit smoking.

Hypnosis and Neuro Linguistic Programming, or NLP, are simply ways to communicate directly with your unconscious mind. The unconscious is the domain of your habits. Smoking tends to be an unconscious habit. So when we speak directly with your unconscious, we can expedite the process of quitting smoking.

We also like to refer to NLP as the study of excellence. It is the science and technology behind some of the most amazingly successful and powerful people on the planet. To name a few, Tony Robbins, Oprah, and Serena Williams all use hypnosis and NLP.

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Referential Index – NLP

The referential index in NLP is the subject of the sentence. Eg He did it well. ‘He’ is the referential index.

via Referential Index – NLP.