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The exact web development process varies from each organization but the general work-flow remains the same: information gathering, planning, design, development, testing, delivery, and then site maintenance. For the web development side, the concern is more specifically associated with the aspect of design, development, testing, and delivery and of course maintenance of web pages.

In order for the most efficient turnaround time:

Changes must come from the website owner, one POC, forwarded to the web manager for approval.
The Web Manager sends approved changes to developer(s).

– All completed files created during the design process, which may help with development should be sent to the developer. (Excel, Word, diagrams, mock-ups, images, or anything that helps provide the developer an understanding of the intended result or desired change.) This includes soft copies, and hard copies (templates, wire-frames, current pages, new page layout) and a change review meeting (for involved changes.)
– For text changes, which may consist of numbers and figures, paragraphs, names or bulleted items, the protocol should entail the same process whether replacing or updating current text or inserting new information; the developer should employ a copy+paste practice. (The developer will use common sense of course, but utilizing this process will help ensure exact and approved content is posted to the web.)
– All Developers understand who is assigned to the project. This means any necessary changes to the project files are to be accomplished by designated developers only. (Prior to any work accomplished otherwise, developers should collaborate and it should be clearly communicated and agreed to avoid duplication or over-writing of completed work.) Developers will be clear who is assigned/tasked with said changes.

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